EACPT:n kysely, vastausaikaa 7.2.2014 asti


EACPT on lähettänyt kyselyn kliinisille farmakologeille oman toimintansa kehittämiseksi. Linkki kyselyyn:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VJ879DC. Vastausaikaa on 7.2.2014. Alla saatekirje, jossa lisätietoja kyselystä.

Dear colleague,


On 17th December the EACPT launched a survey in order to gain a better understanding of European clinical pharmacologists' perception of EACPT and ways in which we can improve the service that EACPT and National Societies offer to our affiliates.

To date, the response rate has been reasonably good, but I would be extremely grateful if you could urge your national colleagues to complete this important survey as their feedback is key to improving the services offered by EACPT.   Unfortunately, several regions have been identified as having a very low response rate and I would grateful if reminders could be circulated stressing the importance of the survey accordingly.  I would reiterate that results of the survey will be discussed with all National Societies in order to agree the best way forward in developing our services to European clinical pharmacology. In addition, we will provide to each National Society with a detailed summary of the results on their respective Countries.

I have, therefore, extended the deadline from 31 January to 7 February in order to facilitate as many professionals as possible to participate in the survey.


Find below the link to the survey:



Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

Kind regards


Gonzalo Calvo

Chair of the EACPT