EACPT2025 Helsinki

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28 June - 1 July 2025, University of Helsinki, main building, Helsinki, Finland


EACPT2025 stands as the foremost European congress for professionals in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics science. It provides you a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge scientific advancements and network with colleagues spanning academia, healthcare, drug regulation, and industry sectors.

The congress theme, “Embracing Innovations for Optimized Patient Care”, sets the tone for an outstanding programme curated by the Scientific Advisory Committee. It offers a comprehensive and cutting-edge exploration of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in
the ever-evolving healthcare and teaching landscape, the latest in the research and drug development arena, and recent advances and emerging developments within therapeutics.

You can look forward to a total of 24 Scientific Sessions, three inspiring state-of-the-art Keynote talks, engaging Award Lectures by individuals who have made significant contributions to the field and a number of focused workshops and panel/debate sessions. In addition, there will be ample opportunities for scientific discussions and networking during the refreshment and lunch and poster breaks.

The abstract submission is now open, offering you a chance to present your research to an international audience. See further details from our website and submit your abstract by 20 February 2025.

We encourage you to register for the congress at your earliest convenience to secure your place with an affordable early-bird price. Please see the ticket categories from congress website.

For those early in their careers, we are hosting a pre-meeting for early-career researchers on Saturday 28 June, designed to foster collaboration and mentorship under the theme “Career Development”. Later in the evening a warm-hearted dinner is organised for the pre-meeting attendees.

See you in Helsinki!


Visit congress website for more info:

www.eacpt2025.org or https://confedent.eventsair.com/eacpt-2025/