Pharmacogenetics -symposium

Pharmacogenetics at the University of Helsinki

 10 Year Anniversary Symposium – from Discovery to Clinical Implementation

Ten years ago, the University Pharmacy donated funds to establish a professorship in pharmacogenetics at the University of Helsinki. To celebrate this anniversary, the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Society of Clinical Pharmacology jointly organize a symposium covering pharmacogenetic topics from discovery to clinical implementation.

Venue: Lecture Hall 1, Biomedicum Helsinki (Haartmaninkatu 8), Helsinki, Finland on May 28-29, 2019.

Program: See attached program

Registration: Via e-lomake by 15.5.2019. The registration for the symposium is free of charge.

Abstracts: Abstracts relevant to the symposium topic are welcome from all participants. Abstracts can be submitted online via e-lomake and deadline for abstract submission is 15.5.2019. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters, and additionally oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.

Information for doctoral students: Registered doctoral students at the University of Helsinki who submit an abstract (subject to acceptance) and participate the symposium will receive 1 credit. Details for registering credits will be provided at abstract submission.

Accommodation: There is no pre-reserved hotel accommodation for symposium participants by organizers. Biomedicum Helsinki is conveniently reached from city centre via tram 4 or various bus connections (see: Accommodation can be sought from various providers, see e.g. pre-filled search link.

More information: Aleksi Tornio or Mikko Niemi (email: firstname.lastname (at)